Download and Listen all Surah of Quran in Audio MP3

Quran all surah mp3 free download

Listen Quran All Surah Mp3 in the voice of Abdul Rehman Al Sudais. You can free download the Quran All Surah wise in Audio Mp3. While working, sleeping and for a peace of mind and a peace of life you can listen Quran all Surah in Mp3. You can free download and listen Quran All Surah Mp3 without Wudu/Ablution.

  • As we know in Muslims households it is natural practice to recite and listen Quran on daily basis. It is very beneficial for Barakah at home and in life as well so you can free download Quran all surah in mp3.
  •  Listening and recitation of Quran is additionally the reminder for Muslims as
    Allah says in Quran, “Truly there is a reminder in this for anyone who has a heart, or who listens attentively with presence of mind.” (50:37)
  • Quran Kareem listening purify your Heart by cleaning it from all impurities that stick on it, moreover it helps to cure stress and anxiety. It is the sort of communication with man and Allah. 
  • Listening and Reciting Quran is the smarter way to earn numerous good deeds in a short time. 
  • Although, listening recitation of Holy Quran is the easiest way to memorize it well and for those also who want to memorize Quran. 
  • For this, we provide Surah wise Audio-Mp3 of the whole Quran so that students can listen and learn Holy Quran many more times and enhance their Quran Recitation and Memorization Skills.

01 Surah Al-Fatiha – سورة الفاتحة The Opening PLAY ▶️
02 Surah Al-Baqarah – سورة البقرة The Cow PLAY ▶️
03 Surah Aal-e-Imraan – سورة آل عمران The Family of Imran PLAY ▶️
04 Surah An-Nisaa’ – سورة النساء The Women PLAY ▶️
05 Surah Al-Maaidah – سورة المائدة The Table spread with foods PLAY ▶️
06 Surah Al-An’aam – سورة الأنعام The Cattle PLAY ▶️
07 Surah Al-A’raaf – سورة الأعراف The wall with Elevations PLAY ▶️
08 Surah Al-Anfaal – سورة الأنفال The Spoils of War PLAY ▶️
Surah At-Taubah – سورة التوبة
The Repentance
10 Surah Yunus – سورة يونس The Prophet [Jonah] PLAY ▶️
11 Surah Hood – سورة هود The Prophet Hood PLAY ▶️
12 Surah Yusuf – سورة يوسف The Prophet [Joseph] PLAY ▶️
13 Surah Ar-Ra’ad – سورة الرعد The Thunder PLAY ▶️
14 Surah Ibrahim – سورة إبراهيم The Prophet [Abraham] PLAY ▶️
15 Surah Al-Hijr – سورة الحجر The Rocky Tract PLAY ▶️
16 Surah An-Nahl – سورة النحل The Bee PLAY ▶️
17 Surah Bani Israil – سورة بني إسرائيل The Journey by Night PLAY ▶️
18 Surah Al-Kahf – سورة الكهف The Cave PLAY ▶️
19 Surah Mariyam – سورة مريم Mary (Mother of Jesus) PLAY ▶️
20 Surah Taha – سورة طه One of the Names of Prophet Muhammad PLAY ▶️
21 Surah Al-Anbiya – سورة الأنبياء The Prophets PLAY ▶️
22 Surah Al-Hajj – سورة الحج The Pilgrimage PLAY ▶️
23 Surah Al-Muminun – سورة المؤمنون The Believers PLAY ▶️
24 Surah An-Nur – سورة النور The Light PLAY ▶️
25 Surah Al-Furqan – سورة الفرقان The Criterion PLAY ▶️
26 Surah Ash-Shu’ara – سورة الشعراء The Poets PLAY ▶️
27 Surah An-Naml – سورة النمل The Ant PLAY ▶️
28 Surah Al-Qasas – سورة القصص The Narration PLAY ▶️
29 Surah Al-Ankabut – سورة العنكبوت The Spider PLAY ▶️
30 Surah Roam – سورة الروم The Romans PLAY ▶️
31 Surah Luqman – سورة لقمان Luqman (A wise Man) PLAY ▶️
32 Surah As-Sajdah – سورة السجدة The Prostration PLAY ▶️
33 Surah Al-Ahzaab – سورة الأحزاب The Confederates PLAY ▶️
34 Surah Saba – سورة سبأ Sheba (The Queen) PLAY ▶️
35 Surah Fatir – سورة فاطر The Originator of Creation PLAY ▶️
36 Surah Yaaseen – سورة يس One of the Names of Prophet Muhammad PLAY ▶️
37 Surah As-Saffaat – سورة الصافات Those Ranged in Ranks PLAY ▶️
38 Surah Soaad – سورة ص Arabic Alphabet PLAY ▶️
39 Surah Az-Zumar – سورة الزمر The Groups PLAY ▶️
40 Surah Al-Mumin – سورة المؤمن The Forgiver/The Believer PLAY ▶️
41 Surah Haamim Sajadah – حٰمٓۚ السجدہ In Detail PLAY ▶️
42 Surah Ash-Shura – سورة الشورى The Consultations PLAY ▶️
43  Surah Az-Zukhraf – سورة الزخرف The Gold Adornment PLAY ▶️
44  Surah Ad-Dukhan – سورة الدخان The Smoke PLAY ▶️
45  Surah Al-Jaasiah – سورة الجاثية The Kneeling PLAY ▶️
46  Surah Al-Ahqaaf – سورة الأحقاف The Curved-Sand Hills PLAY ▶️
47 Surah Muhammad – سورة محمد The Prophet Muhammad PLAY ▶️
48 Surah Al-Fath – سورة الفتح The Victory PLAY ▶️
49 Surah Al-Hujurat – سورة الحجرات The Dwellings PLAY ▶️
50 Surah Qaaf – سورة ق Arabic Alphabet PLAY ▶️
51 Surah Az-Zaariyat – سورة الذاريات The wind that Scatters PLAY ▶️
52 Surah At-Toor – سورة الطور The Name of Mountain PLAY ▶️
53 Surah An-Najm – سورة النجم The Star PLAY ▶️
54 Surah Al-Qamar – سورة القمر The Moon PLAY ▶️
55 Surah Ar-Rahmaan – سورة الرحمن The Most Gracious PLAY ▶️
56 Surah Al-Waqiah – سورة الواقعة The Event PLAY ▶️
57 Surah Al-Hadeed – سورة الحديد Iron PLAY ▶️
58 Surah Al-Mujadilah – سورة المجادلة The Disputation PLAY ▶️
59 Surah Al-Hashar – The Gathering PLAY ▶️
60 Surah Al-Mumtahnah – سورة الممتحنة The Woman to be Examined PLAY ▶️
61 Surah As-Saf – سورة الصف The Row or The Rank PLAY ▶️
62 Surah Al-Jumuah – سورة الجمعة Friday PLAY ▶️
63 Surah Al-Munafiqun – سورة المنافقون The Hypocrites PLAY ▶️
64 Surah At-Taghabun – سورة التغابن Mutual Loss or Gain PLAY ▶️
65 Surah At-Talaq – سورة الطلاق The Divorce PLAY ▶️
66 Surah At-Tahrim – سورة التحريم The Prohibition PLAY ▶️
67 Surah Al-Mulk – سورة الملك Dominion PLAY ▶️

Surah Al-Qalam – سورة القلم

The Pen PLAY ▶️

Surah Al-Haaqah – سورة الحاقة

The Inevitable PLAY ▶️
70 Surah Al-Ma’aarij – سورة المعارج The Way of Ascent PLAY ▶️
71 Surah Nooh – سورة نوح The Prophet Noah PLAY ▶️
72 Surah Al-Jin – سورة الجن Genie PLAY ▶️
73 Surah Al-Muzammil – سورة المزمل The One wrapped in Garment PLAY ▶️
74 Surah Al-Mudassir – سورة المدثر The One Enveloped PLAY ▶️
75 Surah Al-Qiyamah – سورة القيامة The Resurrection PLAY ▶️
76 Surah Ad-Dahar – سورة الدهر The Man PLAY ▶️
77 Surah Al-Mursalaat – سورة المرسلات Those Sent Forth PLAY ▶️
78 Surah An-Naba – سورة النبأ The Great News PLAY ▶️
79 Surah An-Naziaat – سورة النازعات Those Who Pull Out PLAY ▶️
80 Surah Abas – سورة عبس The Frowned PLAY ▶️
81 Surah At-Takwir – سورة التكوير Wound Round and Lost its Light PLAY ▶️
82 Surah Al-Infitaar – سورة الإنفطار The Cleaving PLAY ▶️
83 Surah Al-Mutaffifin – سورة المطففين Those Who Deal in Fraud PLAY ▶️
84 Surah Al-Inshiqaq – سورة الانشقاق The Splitting Asunder


85 Surah Al-Buruj – سورة البروج The Big Stars PLAY ▶️
86 Surah At-Tariq – سورة الطارق The Night-Comer PLAY ▶️
87 Surah Al-A’ala – سورة الأعلى The Most High PLAY ▶️
88 Surah Al-Ghashiyah – سورة الغاشية The Overwhelming PLAY ▶️
89 Surah Al-Fajr – سورة الفجر The Break of the Day/The Dawn PLAY ▶️
90 Surah Al-Balad – سورة البلد The City PLAY ▶️ 
91 Surah Ash-Shams – سورة الشمس The Sun PLAY ▶️
92 Surah Al-Lail – سورة الليل The Night PLAY ▶️
93 Surah Ad-Duha – سورة الضحى The Forenoon after Sunrise PLAY ▶️
94 Surah Al-InShirah – سورة الشرح The Solace, Comfort PLAY ▶️
95 Surah At-Teen – سورة التين The Fig PLAY ▶️
96 Surah Al-‘Alaq – سورة العلق The Clot PLAY ▶️
97 Surah Al-Qadr – سورة القدر The Night of Decree (A blessed Night) PLAY ▶️
98 Surah Al-Bayyinah – سورة البينة The Clear Evidence PLAY ▶️
99 Surah Al-Zilzal – سورہ زِلْزَال The Earthquake PLAY ▶️
100 Surah Al-‘Aadiyaat – سورة العاديات Those Who Runs PLAY ▶️
101 Surah Al-Qariah – سورة القارعة The Striking Hour PLAY ▶️
102 Surah At-Takasur – سورة التكاثر The Pilling up of Emulous Desire PLAY ▶️
103 Surah Al-‘Asr – سورة العصر The Time PLAY ▶️
104 Surah Al-Humazah – سورة الهمزة The Slanderer PLAY ▶️
105 Surah Al-Feel – سورة الفيل The Elephant PLAY ▶️
106 Surah Quraish – سورة قريش A Famous Arab Tribe PLAY ▶️
107 Surah Al-Ma’oun – سورة الماعون The Small Kindnesses PLAY ▶️
108 Surah Al-Kausar – سورة الكوثر A River in Paradise PLAY ▶️
109 Surah Al-Kafirun – سورة الكافرون The Disbelievers PLAY ▶️
110 Surah An-Nasr – سورة النصر The Help PLAY ▶️
111 Surah Tabbat – سورہ تَبَّت The Palm Rope PLAY ▶️
112 Surah Al-Ikhlas – سورة الإخلاص The Purity PLAY ▶️
113 Surah Al-Falaq – سورة الفلق The Day Break PLAY ▶️
114 Surah An-Naas – سورة الناس The People PLAY ▶️